Therapy – Primary and Secondary Survivors

CAPSA’s Clinical Therapy is for primary and secondary survivors of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and other types of abuse. This service is free and confidential.

CAPSA offers therapy to help heal from the trauma associated with abuse. It is not easy, particularly in the moment when survivors are still dealing with the fallout of abuse or for those who experienced their abuse as children and never had access to support. 

Value to Survivors 

It is very common for survivors to feel they have no one to talk to, no one they can share their story with safely – knowing they will be believed and taken seriously. Especially with loved ones and people they are close with, the fear that sharing will change or ruin the relationship can be paralyzing and prevent healing. 

CAPSA’s Therapy provides an opportunity to share their story without fear of judgement or retaliation. Therapy gives survivors a chance to unload and to let go of that stress so they can begin to move on.  

Value to Secondary Survivors 

The reality is that most friends and family want to help – but they often are not sure how. The fear that saying the wrong thing or not knowing the right way to support someone will make the situation worse often prevents people who care from helping. Even when they do help, loved ones providing support often face stress and added trauma themselves, as well as feelings of helplessness knowing they cannot magically make the survivor feel whole.  

CAPSA’s Therapy service provides an opportunity for Secondary Survivors to feel support, receive advice, and gain information about helping their loved ones. It provides support and reassurance so that they can heal, too.  

If you need help

If you or a loved one has experienced domestic violence, sexual assault or rape, CAPSA can help. Our services continue to be available through the Covid19 crisis and CAPSA’s Advocates stand ready to provide support to those in need.  

Please, call CAPSA’s Support Line at 435-753-2500 to find out how we can help.